» Membership Subscriptions «

General Information

    Before subscribing read the community rules readable here and the game rules readable under each game section that are applicable to your use. Below are some links to the games for convenience.

  • Minecraft
  • Subscriptions are generally non-refundable. If you have suffered a loss of use due to changes we have made please contact us. We will try to resolve the issue or offer a partial refund at our discretion based on usage and subscription type. This will not apply to accounts that have been banned for violating the conditions above.

    Subscriptions are used to cover website hosting, server power/internet/hardware services/maintenance, and replacement costs. Any extra funds are used to allow staff discounted or free membership access to thank them for their hard work and to donate to the communities and individuals who have provided the software we use.

    Whitelisting for certain services may take some time to refresh. Please contact Deszeraeth Sangra on Skype to expedite the process and have your PayPal transaction number ready to provide proof of subscription.


    By subscribing you are agreeing to the conditions above.

Membership Subscriptions

Cancelling Subscriptions

    Cancelling a subscription may deactivate your account access on subscribed services regardless of time left on subscription. Because of this it is recommended to cancel a subscription at the end of the subscription cycle to avoid service interruption.