» Server Rules «

General Information

    The community rules, readable here, are enforced as well as the game specific rules below.

Minecraft Rules


  • Sharing accounts with other users is not allowed while on our servers. Damages done on our server by another user on an account will still result in that account being banned from our servers.
  • Building

  • All structures need to have a sign with the owner's name somewhere on it at the main entrance. Marking of owned land can be done with a fence and attached signs with owner's name designating that the land is claimed.
  • Do not build within 64 blocks of someone’s land/house without the land owner’s permission. All blocks above and below (from sky to bedrock) in that 64 block radius also belong to the land owner.
  • Breaking

  • Changing, moving, stealing, vandalizing, etc. other players' property or parts of their property is not allowed without their permission.
  • Killing, duelling, hurting, etc. other players is not allowed unless you have their permission.
  • Villages, towns, strongholds, ruins, mineshafts or other pre-generated "man made" structures are considered public property and not claimable by players. Exceptions may be made by Game Masters occasionally.
  • Un-authorized damages to structures or terrain in general will be treated as griefing. If you intend to destroy a location you own, please contact a Game Master to approve of it.
  • Damage caused by players, monsters, explosions, or other methods must be repaired by the person who caused it. This means completely filling in explosion holes on the public or private property with the correct natural materials.
  • All fires must be contained to a limit of 16x16x16 block limit. Isolate the area you are burning by at least 6 blocks on all sides before lighting the fire. Contact a Game Master to burn anything outside of these circumstances.
  • Animals & Monsters

  • There should no more than 30 tamed or captured creatures within 128 blocks from another location with similarly collected creatures. "Farms" should not be in sight of the next "farm" over. Exceptions may be made by Game Masters occasionally for spawners and certain areas where player lag will not be an issue.
  • Hacking

  • Modded clients, exploits, or hacks are not allowed on our servers unless they are specifically sanctioned by the Game Masters and listed here as exceptions. (The use of texture packs that affect only the appearance of objects on your screen are acceptable unless they provide a gameplay advantage.)